Consulting on Your Cases
Dr. Yera and his certified team provide consultation to hospital staffs, individual surgeons, medical device companies and government agencies throughout North America and beyond.
Consulting with Surgeons and Surgical Teams
We are available to:
Discuss ways to advance your and your team's Laparoscopic Skills
Teach new procedures
Provide on-site availability to assist in challenging surgical cases; specifically TLH of >20cm Uteri, Sacrocolpopexy and severe Endometriosis
Residency Training Programs
We are available to:
Teach Laparoscopic Techniques like Endoscopic Suturing and Safe and Effective Use of new medical devices
Provide Proctoring Opportunities with Residents
Consulting with Device Companies:
We are available to:
Provide Expert Opinion and Trial of new devices entering the marketplace
Participate in Research & Development
Organize and Teach Surgeon Courses, Mentorships, Proctorships and Didactics
Design National and International Webinars
Teach New Hire Training for Reps

"I was already performing minimally invasive surgery, including Laparoscopic Assisted Vaginal Hysterectomy, but wanted to stay current with my skills and learn the process using morcellation. His skill made the procedure seem effortless. His skills as a teacher and trainer built my confidence and allowed me to add this to my repertoire for minimally invasive surgery.
Renee Cotter, MD
Latin America or Latin American Partners
With his first language being Spanish, Dr. Yera is more than comfortable providing his services and those of The Yera Group throughout Latin America.
We have:
Trained reps and surgeons in Mexico City; Lima, Peru and Havana, Cuba
Performed live surgery and given multiple conferences during the Cuban OB/GYN Society Congress; June/2019
Given multiple conferences at the Mexican Federation of Endoscopic Surgeons; May/2019